The purpose of this course is to achieve a real change in behaviour, not just an increased understanding. Therefore, an eclectic approach to use a big variety of methods altogether is adopted to achieve the optimal result.
Bjørn has developed this course. He is a father of four, graduate educator, communications developer and relationship builder. He has taught in a range of educational institutions in addition to this course, developed three national teaching concepts: Two programs on mental health for the Directorate for Health and Social Affairs and one leadership development concept for health management in the municipalities of Norway. Here, the same methodology - including experience based learning - is used.
He also works for various public and private organizations with leadership development, motivation and change, conflict management and communication processes.
Rose Marie is an actress and stage artist and has extensive experience with young people, school students and assignments related to both school and culture. It fits perfectly considering how "You decide!" works in close interaction with the vg2 pupils we meet.
Gard is an experienced educator and has also worked with theater. He is the father of two children and is both an avid outdoorsman and a hunter. Since the autumn of 2018, he has been part of the process management team.
Anders is a trained actor and pedagogue. He has worked professionally in theater for over 15 years as a performer, director and dramaturg. Anders has also taught at upper secondary school and worked with young people, as an after-hours supervisor in the public sector. Anders has a genuine interest in people and relationships. He uses his infectious enthusiasm and his sincere commitment in his role as process manager for "You decide!".