You decide!
The course that prevents dangerous driving.

You decide! has its own philosophy based on most youngsters being positive. Those who account for the particularly risky driving are only the minority amongst the age group . You decide! is primarily targeted at the youngsters who are carpassengers, but also has a lot to offer to the young drivers.
The purpose of You decide! is to achieve selfdevelopment - selfregulation - within each student, thereby helping to create a culture within the agegroup playing with other people's lives and health is totally unacceptable.

- You decide! is the most important thing we as a school to do for you students; it is the most important lesson you will have while here at Ål high school.
Headmaster Oddvar Skråmestø, Ål high school
- The execution is very good and it’s great that such a large group is kept interested for 90 minutes. It’s also great how the process manager reconciles who is to be involved and who isn’t; some should be allowed to skip. I think they're going to remember much of this, not least because they are involved in a physical and practical way.
Teacher Christin Blomberg. 2TM/2SS. Jessheim high school.
- I expected a boring lesson. I actually told the teacher that I had to leave earlier to work on something. But then it was quite the opposite. It was important information, and we did this in a very entertaining way.
Student Greta. 2SMB. Jessheim high school.
- He made it very interesting. There were memorable stories. I thought it was very good with the various “games” and tasks, and I was never bored.
Student Lars. 2MMUA. Rud high school.
Thank you for a good program once again. I’ve now attended the You decide!-program several times, and I’m equally impressed every time.
Teacher GeIr Ivar Skjevdal, Stange high school.